Project Termination and Close-Out 

Transfer of PI 

Sponsored project awards are made to the Institute, not the individual PI. When a PI moves to another university during the course of an award, Rensselaer has the choice of nominating a substitute PI or transferring the award to the new institution. 

In most cases Rensselaer supports transfer of the award and will cooperate fully in the transfer process so that the research may be continued with the least possible disruption. However, sometimes it may be advisable to subcontract, rather than transfer, the remaining work to the new institution. 

The transfer process involves terminating the award at Rensselaer, followed by reapplication and awarding of a new grant or contract to the new institution. The sponsor should be consulted for the specific process to follow. 

A transferring faculty member may wish to take equipment purchased under a grant or contract to the new laboratory, and, under certain circumstances, may be able to do so. In fact, many sponsors, NSF and NIH in particular, prefer that equipment be moved with an active project and expect the institution to cooperate fully in such a transfer. 

PIs wanting to transfer equipment, when title belongs to Rensselaer, must discuss this issue with their dean, chair or director, and RA&F. This will be followed by a formal approval process. 

Final Reports 

The Institute is usually required to submit final reports to the sponsor when a project is completed. The types of reports and the level of detail required will depend upon the sponsor and the terms of the award. 

RA&F will send reminder notices to the PI when these reports are due. Standard types of final reports and responsibility for them are as follows: 

Technical: Technical reports are the responsibility of the PI. RA&F sends the PI technical report reminders starting 30 days prior to the date the report is due. Sponsor forms and format must be used, if required. A copy of the cover page or transmittal letter (not the entire report) should be sent to RA&F. 

Failure to submit required reports in a timely manner can affect final payment and future funding to the PI or the Institute. If you cannot meet a report due date or your report is not accepted by the sponsor, please contact RA&F so we can assist you in addressing the situation. 

Financial: A copy of the monthly financial report is provided by RA&F. The PI and department must provide RA&F with any information that is not available on BANNER. 

Invention: Invention reports are prepared and submitted to the sponsor by RA&F after verification by the PI and/or OTC of whether or not there were any inventions made under the project. RA&F will obtain the PI's signature if required on the invention form. 

Property: Property reports are prepared and submitted to the sponsor by RA&F after verification of the final inventory list with the PI. 

Project Audits 

Most projects may be audited by the sponsor, if the sponsor chooses. The sponsor may disallow charges which are determined to be in violation of the award terms. The PI and department are normally responsible for covering disallowed costs. 

Rensselaer complies with federally required institutional standards. Rensselaer's financial statements and internal control structures are audited by independent auditors to ensure compliance with laws and regulations as required in Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Uniform Guidance Part 200: Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principals and Audit Requirements.

Record Retention 

Most sponsors require Rensselaer to retain all files and documents for three years after the termination of the award and completion of an audit, or for five years if an audit has not occurred. If the sponsor requires a different retention period, Rensselaer will comply. 

The offices responsible for sponsored program administration retain purchase orders, invoices, personnel files, payroll records, and other official documents. It is not necessary for PIs or department offices to keep such documentation. PIs need only retain transaction documentation that might not be available to RA&F, such as handwritten records of telephone calls to sponsors or correspondence with the sponsor's technical staff. 

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