Institutional Profile Information
Proposal Preparation
Budget Templates for Proposals with Sponsor deadlines on or after May 1, 2024
- RPI Budget Template FY2025
- RPI Budget Template FY2025 with Cost Share
- RPI Budget Template FY2025_7 years
- RPI Budget Template FY2025_no pre-escalation
- RPI Budget Template FY2025 NIH
- RPI Budget Justification Template
- How to Create a Proposal in Cayuse 424
- Subrecipient Determination Tool
- NIH GRA Student Compensation CAP Worksheet
- GRA Over CAP Appt Form
- NIH PI Salary Cap Worksheet
- Fly America Waiver Checklist
- NSF Publication Allowability
Collaboration Agreements
- Rensselaer Non-Disclosure Agreement
- Rensselaer Sponsored Research Agreement
- Rensselaer Memorandum of Understanding
- Rensselaer Outgoing Material Transfer Agreement
- Rensselaer Incoming Material Transfer Agreement
- Rensselaer Testing Services Agreement
Entity Name | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
Address | 110 8th Street, Troy NY 12180-3522 |
Established | November 5, 1824 |
Incorporated | March 21, 1826 |
Classification | Private Educational Institution |
Congressional District | NY-020 |
NYS Vendor ID | 1000027269 |
Federal Identification Number (TIN/FEIN) | 14-1340095 |
NY State Employer's ID | 14-1340095 |
Non Profit Tax Code Designation | 501(c)(3) |
Charity Registration | Exempt, pursuant to S172-0(g) |
Tax Exemption ID | |
DUNS # *Effective 4/4/2022 discontinued as an entity identifier for all Federal purposes, see SAM Unique Entity ID (UEI) | 002430742 |
DUNS + 4 # *Effective 4/4/2022 discontinued as an entity identifier for all Federal purposes, see SAM Unique Entity ID (UEI) | 002430742+0000 |
SAM Unique Entity ID (UEI) *Effective 4/4/2022 onwards as an entity identifier for all Federal purposes | U5WBFKEBLMX3 |
CAGE Code/CCR | 3A707 |
System for Awards Management (SAM) | Valid through 02/21/2025 |
NAICS Code | 611310 |
Standard Industrial Classification | 8221 |
Participant Identification Code | 996654243 |
PHS/NIH Entity ID | |
NIH Institutional Profile File # | 6910301 |
NSF Institution ID | 28035000 |
NIFA Recipient ID for ASAP | 3658101 |
NIFA Agency Location Code (ALC) | 12402200 |
Federal Demonstration Partnership (FDP) | Member |
Animal Use Assurance # | D16-00327 (A3538-01) |
Human Subjects Federal-Wide Assurance # | FWA00009470 |
Human Subjects IRB Registration # | IRB00000388 |
E-Verification ID | 280060 |
NY State Radiation Safety License | |
Points of Contact | |
Institutional Review Board (IRB) | Stanley Dunn, |
Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) | Blanca Barquera, |
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) | Ryan Gilbert; |
Institutional Stem Cell Research Oversight Committee | Deanna Thompson; |
Indirect Cost Rates (F&A) | Organized Research On Campus: 64.5% MTDC |
Other Sponsored Activities On Campus: 40% MTDC | |
Off Campus: 26% MTDC Download F&A Rate Agreement | |
Fringe/Employee Benefit Rate | 33.91% (FY23) Download Fringe Rate Agreement 39.15% (FY24) Download Fringe Rate Agreement 33.69% (FY25) Download Fringe Rate Agreement |
Annual Financial Reports | Available upon request |
Single Audit Reports | Available upon request |
Cognizant Audit Agency | Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) |
PO Box 2783, Glenville, New York 12325 | |
(518) 399-2965 Ext 102 | |
Cost Account Standards Disclosure Statement | Filed 7/1/2017 |
ONR, Indirect Cost Branch, Arlington, VA | |
ACO Administrative Contact | Judith A. Michaud, Contract/Grant Administrator |
Office of Naval Research, Boston Regional Office | |
495 Summer Street, Room 627, Boston, MA 02210-2109 | | | |
Phone: (617) 753-3868 /Fax: (617) 753-4605 | |
Government Property Control System | Approved 7/18/2018 |
Procurement System Certification | ONR Approved 01/1993 |
ONR Indirect Cost & Fringe Rate Contact | Betty Tingle |
Office of Naval Research | |
University Business Affairs, Indirect Costs- ONR 242 | |
800 North Quincy Street, Ballston Tower #1 Room 704 | |
Arlington, VA 22217-5660 | | | |
Phone: (703) 696-7742 |
Research Administration & Finance | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
Proctor's Building, 4th floor | |
110 8th Street | |
Troy, NY 12180-3522 | |
Authorized Official(s) | |
Signing Official | Carina Teator |
Director, Research Administration | | | |
W-9 Form | Available Upon Request |
Mailed Checks | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
Research Administration & Finance | |
Proctor's Building, 4th floor | |
110 8th Street | |
Troy, NY 12180-3522 | |
Electronic Payments | |
Acceptable types of Payment | ACH, International Wire, Federal Wire, ASAP, Check
Contact: |
US Senators | Charles "Chuck" Schumer, U.S. Senator |
Kirsten Gillibrand, U.S. Senator | |
New York Congressional District | 20 |
Representative | Paul Tonko, Congressman |
New York State Senate District | 44 |
Representative | Neil D. Breslin, State Senator |
New York State Assembly | 108 |
Representative | John T. McDonald III, Assembly member |
RAF has transitioned the following requests to web based forms. PDF documents with physical signatures will no longer be required. Webforms are directed to the appropriate RAF mailbox for processing.
- Prior Approval Request (previously Award Change Request):