Institutional Profile Information
Proposal Preparation
Budget Templates for Proposals with Sponsor deadlines on or after May 1, 2024
- RPI Budget Template FY2025
- RPI Budget Template FY2025 with Cost Share
- RPI Budget Template FY2025_7 years
- RPI Budget Template FY2025_no pre-escalation
- RPI Budget Template FY2025 NIH
- RPI Budget Justification Template
- How to Create a Proposal in Cayuse 424
- Subrecipient Determination Tool
- NIH GRA Student Compensation CAP Worksheet
- GRA Over CAP Appt Form
- NIH PI Salary Cap Worksheet
- Fly America Waiver Checklist
- NSF Publication Allowability
- NSF Off-Campus Research Plan_Fillable Template
Collaboration Agreements
- Rensselaer Non-Disclosure Agreement
- Rensselaer Sponsored Research Agreement
- Rensselaer Memorandum of Understanding
- Rensselaer Outgoing Material Transfer Agreement
- Rensselaer Incoming Material Transfer Agreement
- Rensselaer Testing Services Agreement
Entity Name | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
Address | 110 8th Street, Troy NY 12180-3522 |
Established | November 5, 1824 |
Incorporated | March 21, 1826 |
Classification | Private Educational Institution |
Congressional District | NY-020 |
NYS Vendor ID | 1000027269 |
Federal Identification Number (TIN/FEIN) | 14-1340095 |
NY State Employer's ID | 14-1340095 |
Non Profit Tax Code Designation | 501(c)(3) |
Charity Registration | Exempt, pursuant to S172-0(g) |
Tax Exemption ID | |
DUNS # *Effective 4/4/2022 discontinued as an entity identifier for all Federal purposes, see SAM Unique Entity ID (UEI) | 002430742 |
DUNS + 4 # *Effective 4/4/2022 discontinued as an entity identifier for all Federal purposes, see SAM Unique Entity ID (UEI) | 002430742+0000 |
SAM Unique Entity ID (UEI) *Effective 4/4/2022 onwards as an entity identifier for all Federal purposes | U5WBFKEBLMX3 |
CAGE Code/CCR | 3A707 |
System for Awards Management (SAM) | Valid through 01/14/2026 |
NAICS Code | 611310 |
Standard Industrial Classification | 8221 |
Participant Identification Code | 996654243 |
PHS/NIH Entity ID | |
NIH Institutional Profile File # | 6910301 |
NSF Institution ID | 28035000 |
NIFA Recipient ID for ASAP | 3658101 |
NIFA Agency Location Code (ALC) | 12402200 |
Federal Demonstration Partnership (FDP) | Member |
Animal Use Assurance # | D16-00327 (A3538-01) |
Human Subjects Federal-Wide Assurance # | FWA00009470 |
Human Subjects IRB Registration # | IRB00000388 |
E-Verification ID | 280060 |
NY State Radiation Safety License | |
Points of Contact | |
Institutional Review Board (IRB) | Stanley Dunn, |
Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) | Blanca Barquera, |
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) | Ryan Gilbert; |
Institutional Stem Cell Research Oversight Committee | Deanna Thompson; |
Indirect Cost Rates (F&A) | Organized Research On Campus: 65.5% MTDC |
Other Sponsored Activities On Campus: 42% MTDC “Other sponsored activities means programs and projects financed by Federal and non-Federal agencies and organizations which involve the performance of work other than instruction and organized research. Examples of such programs and projects are health service projects and community service programs. However, when any of these activities are undertaken by the institution without outside support, they may be classified as other institutional activities.” eCFR :: 2 CFR Part 200 -- Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards | |
Off Campus: 26% MTDC Download F&A Rate Agreement "The Off Campus rate is applied for activities that are more than 50% performed in facilities not owned or leased by RPI." | |
Fringe/Employee Benefit Rate | 33.91% (FY23) Download Fringe Rate Agreement 39.15% (FY24) Download Fringe Rate Agreement 33.69% (FY25) Download Fringe Rate Agreement |
Annual Financial Reports | Available upon request |
Single Audit Reports | Available upon request |
Cognizant Audit Agency | Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) |
PO Box 2783, Glenville, New York 12325 | |
(518) 399-2965 Ext 102 | |
Cost Account Standards Disclosure Statement | Filed 7/1/2017 |
ONR, Indirect Cost Branch, Arlington, VA | |
ACO Administrative Contact | Judith A. Michaud, Contract/Grant Administrator |
Office of Naval Research, Boston Regional Office | |
495 Summer Street, Room 627, Boston, MA 02210-2109 | | | |
Phone: (617) 753-3868 /Fax: (617) 753-4605 | |
Government Property Control System | Approved 7/18/2018 |
Procurement System Certification | ONR Approved 01/1993 |
ONR Indirect Cost & Fringe Rate Contact | Betty Tingle |
Office of Naval Research | |
University Business Affairs, Indirect Costs- ONR 242 | |
800 North Quincy Street, Ballston Tower #1 Room 704 | |
Arlington, VA 22217-5660 | | | |
Phone: (703) 696-7742 |
Research Administration & Finance | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
Proctor's Building, 4th floor | |
110 8th Street | |
Troy, NY 12180-3522 | |
Authorized Official(s) | |
Signing Official | Carina Teator |
Director, Research Administration | | | |
W-9 Form | Available Upon Request |
Mailed Checks | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
Research Administration & Finance | |
Proctor's Building, 4th floor | |
110 8th Street | |
Troy, NY 12180-3522 | |
Electronic Payments | |
Acceptable types of Payment | ACH, International Wire, Federal Wire, ASAP, Check
Contact: |
US Senators | Charles "Chuck" Schumer, U.S. Senator |
Kirsten Gillibrand, U.S. Senator | |
New York Congressional District | 20 |
Representative | Paul Tonko, Congressman |
New York State Senate District | 44 |
Representative | Neil D. Breslin, State Senator |
New York State Assembly | 108 |
Representative | John T. McDonald III, Assembly member |
RAF has transitioned the following requests to web based forms. PDF documents with physical signatures will no longer be required. Webforms are directed to the appropriate RAF mailbox for processing.
- Prior Approval Request (previously Award Change Request):